Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tips for criticism from non audio people

Hello All,

If you ever do audio, video, or anything related, you will at some point receive criticism from someone that has no idea how to do your job.  You will have someone say that something sounds bad, or while you are trying to problem solve, they will hover over your back to try and 'help'…  This frustrates almost every audio person I know.

To try and help out with this issue for A/V people I have a few tips to consider.

1) Most people that come to you with an issue or concern most likely have good intentions.  They seem to come at crisis times, but they do have good intentions.  This can be frustrating, but it should be remembered that they are most likely trying to offer help.  I will agree that some do not come with good intentions... for this see below.

2) Listen... Sometimes when someone comes up to you, there may really be an issue that you didn’t catch.  Listen to the problem and address it appropriately.

3) Be slow to speak...When someone comes to you and says something that you might take offensively, the last thing you want to do is sling back some insult.  This does nobody any good, and can often make the problem worse by adding in personal conflicts.

4) Be slow to anger... Ben Franklin said "Anger is never without reason, but seldom with a good one"  Getting angry will not solve any kind of issue and will once again most likely result in you saying something you will regret.  Instead if the claim is legit, be honest and deal with it, and if it is not, politely blow it off.

5) I know some people that get frustrated with ambiguity when describing an issue.  Think to yourself how many words that are not borrowed from another sense are used to describe audio.  For example bright, dirty, muddy, dark, live, dead.... Just realize describing issues to one another requires an understanding between the two people involved.  Different descriptions can mean different things to different people based on the training they received.  If you are not sure what they mean ask them politely to elaborate.

I realize that these tips are easier said than done.  It is easy in the heat of the moment to flip out on a criticizer and then regret it later.  Just take these tips to heart and try to implement!



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